The effectiveness of using dance and gymnastics workouts as a means of musical and motor training of athletes in complex coordination sports (on the example of cheerleading)


Kravchuk T.,Riadynska I.,Miahka V.


The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the use of dance-gymnastic workouts in the educational and training process for cheerleading. The aim of the study is to study the influence of dance and gymnastics workouts on the musical and motor training of athletes in complex coordination sports (on the example of cheerleading). Research methods: study and analysis of scientific, educational-methodical and special literature; pedagogical experiment; expert assessment of the level of musical-motor readiness, testing the ability to rhythmic activity; methods of mathematical statistics, including calculating the t -criterion of the Student. In the course of the study, based on the analysis of competition rules and other normative and educational documentation, it is shown that the main requirements to music motor training in complex coordination sports is the ability of athletes to combine expressive movements in harmony with the theme, character, pace and dynamic tones of music. Two types of exercises have been developed: rhythmic (using rhythmic gymnastics) and aerobic (using basic and dance aerobics). A pedagogical experiment was held, in which 24 students participated, who were part of the team cheerleading of the H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. They were divided into experimental (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. The effectiveness of the developed workouts was tested by their introduction into the training process of the pilot group. Positive statistically probable influence of dance-gymnastic workouts on the following indicators of musical-motor preparation: harmony of movements with rhythm of music (at p<0,01), harmony of movements with tempo of music (at p<0,005) and walk with a clap of hands in the set rhythm (at p<0.05).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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