Musical and rhythmic training of gymnasts 6-7 years old


Borуsova Yu.,Fedoriaka A.


Competitive composition in rhythmic gymnastics is a small performance that has its own plot. However, the modern system of training in rhythmic gymnastics involves the implementation of a large amount of complex and super-complex elements, which must be mastered by very young athletes, and almost no methods of forming artistry, expressiveness, musicality. Problems related to the study of sports aesthetics are the subject of research by scientists: Viner-Usmanova I.O., M.E. Plekhanova, L.P. Morozova, V.V. Sydorova, L.A. Karpenko, Kabaieva A.M., Biletska I.H. etc.. Aim: to scientifically substantiate and develop a program of musical and rhythmic training for 6-7 years old gymnasts. Research methods: analysis and generalization of literature sources; pedagogical observation and experiment; testing; expert evaluation of performances of 6-7 years old gymnasts; methods of mathematical statistics. Organization of the research. The research was conducted on the basis of the sports club "Rhythmics Star" in Dnipro within the period from October, 2018 till December, 2019. The study involved two groups of 6-7 years old gymnasts: control and experimental ones of 15 girls in each. Classes in groups were held 5 times a week for 90 minutes. Research results. After conducting the study of the initial level of musical-rhythmic training of gymnasts 6-7 years old, it was determined that the majority (70.6%) of the athletes have an average level of musical-rhythmic training. The largest difference in the results was observed in the test for coordination of movements with the meter, and the smallest one in improvisation to music. As a result of the study, the program of musical and rhythmic training for gymnasts aged 6-7 was developed and experimentally tested. Conclusions. Comparison of indicators of musical-rhythmic preparedness of the studied control and experimental groups at the beginning and end of the pedagogical experiment showed that in the control group the indicators have not changed. Whereas in the experimental group there was a significant statistical increase in the main indicators of musical and motor preparedness. Prospects for further research: development of the program for different age groups using other methods and means of musical-rhythmic training.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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1. The effectiveness of using dance and gymnastics workouts as a means of musical and motor training of athletes in complex coordination sports (on the example of cheerleading);Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports);2023-12-21







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