1. Aquino, A. L. & Bresciani, L. P. (2005). Local productive arrangements: a conceptual approach. Organizations in context, 1, 2.
2. Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. (2004). Solid Waste - Classification (NBR 10004). ABNT.
3. Becattini, G. Industrial districts in Italy. (1999). In: Coco, G., Urani, A. & Galvão, A. P. (Orgs). Entrepreneurs and jobs in the new productive territories: the case of the third Italy. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A.
4. Berlin, L. G. (2014). The Brazilian textile industry and its adaptations in implementing sustainable development. FashionWord e-periodical. 7, 13.
5. Brazil. Presidency of the Republic Civil House. (2010). Law N°12.305/2010 - National Policy on Solid Waste. It establishes the National Policy on Solid Waste; it amends Law No. 9605 of February 12, 1998; and it provides other measures. http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2007-2010/2010/lei/l12305.htm.