Objective: Determine to what extent environmental education workshops mitigate the environmental problems of the Madre de Dios region - Peru.
Theoretical framework: The currents that stand out most in environmental education are: conservationist, naturalistic, systemic, scientific, decisive, humanistic and moral-ethical.
Methodology: Applied quantitative approach, quasi-experimental design and explanatory level, the units of analysis were two independent samples (control and experimental group), made up of students from a regular basic secondary institution in the Madre de Dios region, the The technique was observation and the instrument was the checklist.
Results and conclusion: The environmental education workshops significantly mitigate the environmental problems of the Madre de Dios region, since the p-value associated with the Mann Whitney U statistic (Sig. Asymptotic) is 0.000; This value is less than 0.05, then at the 1% significance level; The total scores are different in both groups after carrying out the environmental education workshops with the students.
Implications of the research: Environmental education in regular basic education contributes to the practice of environmental values, since it seeks through problematic situations to make the relationship between the learning contents and the reality of the context that surrounds the students. These, in turn, build their representations of reality and begin to commit more consciously to their individual and collective actions in the environment in which they live.
Originality/value: The article offers results from the application of environmental education workshops to mitigate environmental problems in the Madre de Dios region of Peru.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental