Transformation of higher education in Ukraine: Impact of the war and objectives for post‐war recovery


Lugovyi Volodymyr1ORCID,Kalashnikova Svitlana2ORCID,Talanova Zhanneta2ORCID,Vlasova Inna2ORCID


1. National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv Ukraine

2. Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine Kyiv Ukraine


AbstractProcesses of globalisation, sustainable development, the Covid‐19 pandemic, and other current circumstances influence the development of higher education. Higher education institutions in Ukraine also face challenges related to the military aggression by the Russian Federation since 2014, martial law since February 2022 and efforts to prepare for a post‐war recovery. The article outlines key areas that merit closer attention including an analysis of changes occurring in higher education in Ukraine before and during the war; the network of higher education institutions in Ukraine; admissions processes; trends in higher education quality assurance and enhancement; and international aid for the support and development of higher education in Ukraine. The analysis outlines changes that have taken place in higher education in Ukraine as a result of the destruction of infrastructure and a decrease in institutional capability of universities in eastern Ukraine and Crimea, as well as massive migration. We identify main innovations and specific features of the admissions process in 2022 compared to admissions processes in 2021. The government of Ukraine, following martial law, introduced restrictions that affected international academic mobility, which is carried out online, or to the extent possible as blended learning. Finally, we outline tasks for post‐war higher education recovery and development and underline the key role of universities in the post‐war recovery of Ukraine.





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