1. Animal Flight Laboratory, Dept of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology and Inst. of Evolution, Univ. of Haifa Haifa Israel
2. Inst. of Ecology and Evolution, Univ. of Bern Bern Switzerland
3. School of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Western Australia, Crawley Perth Australia
4. Laboratory for Energy Conversion, ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland
5. Dept of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, Univ. of Delaware Newark DE USA
6. Corix Plains Inst., Univ. of Oklahoma Norman OK USA
7. Dept of Migration and Immuno‐ecology, Max Planck Inst. for Ornithology Radolfzell Germany
8. Dept of Forest Biodiversity, Univ. of Agriculture Kraków Poland
9. Biodiversity Unit, Dept of Biology, Lund Univ Sweden
10. Konrad‐Lorenz Inst. of Ethology, Univ. of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Wien Austria
11. Dept of Biology, Univ. of Cadiz Cadiz Spain
12. Agriculture, Health and Environment Dept, Natural Resources Inst., Univ. of Greenwich Chatham Kent UK
13. Computational and Analytical Sciences Dept, Rothamsted Research Harpenden UK