1. Research Center for Tissue Repair and Regeneration Affiliated to the Medical Innovation Research Department and 4th Medical Center PLA General Hospital and PLA Medical College Beijing China
2. PLA Key Laboratory of Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine and Beijing Key Research Laboratory of Skin Injury, Repair and Regeneration Beijing China
3. Research Unit of Trauma Care, Tissue Repair and Regeneration Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Beijing China
4. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Pathology Amsterdam UMC and Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) Vrije University Amsterdam (VU) Amsterdam Movement Science Amsterdam The Netherlands
5. Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery General Hospital of Southern Theater Command Guangzhou China
6. Department of Dermatology Southwest Hospital Third Military Medical University (Army Medical University) Chongqing China
7. Department of Plastic Surgery First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University Hefei China
8. Department of Dermatology and Rheumatology Immunology Xinqiao Hospital Third Military Medical University (Army Medical University) Chongqing China
9. State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burns, and Combined Injury Institute of Burn Research The First Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University (the Third Military Medical University) Chongqing China
10. Chongqing Key Laboratory for Disease Proteomics Chongqing China
11. The First School of Clinical Medicine Southern Medical University Guangzhou China
12. Department of Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Dentistry Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) Amsterdam The Netherlands