1. Graduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology; Institute of Biology; University of Campinas; Avenida Bertrand Russel, s/n, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz CP 6109 Campinas SP Brazil
2. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; Department of Entomology, Thorne Hall; The Ohio State University; 1680 Madison Avenue Wooster OH USA
3. Department of Genetics; University of São Paulo; Avenida Pádua Dias 11 CP 9 Piracicaba SP Brazil
4. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center, Selby Hall; The Ohio State University; 1680 Madison Avenue Wooster OH USA
5. Laboratory of Conservation Genetics and Genomics; Agribusiness Technological Development of São Paulo (APTA); Rodovia SP 127 km 30 CP 28 Piracicaba SP Brazil