1. Forest Dynamics Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) Zürcherstrasse 111 BirmensdorfCH‐8903Switzerland
2. Department of Environmental Sciences ‐ Botany Basel University Schönbeinstrasse 6 BaselCH‐4056Switzerland
3. Laboratory of Plant Ecology Department of Plants and Crops Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Ghent University Coupure links 653 GhentB‐9000Belgium
4. Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN) 1 rue des blanches terres Champigneulles54115France
5. Laboratory of Tree‐Ring Research 1215 E. Lowell Street Tucson AZ8572USA
6. Université de Lorraine AgroParisTech INRAE Nancy Silva54000France
7. Joint Research Unit CTFC ‐ AGROTECNIO SolsonaE‐25280Spain
8. CREAF Cerdanyola del Vallès BarcelonaE‐08193Spain