1. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Zürcherstrasse 111 8903 Birmensdorf Switzerland
2. Laboratory of Tree‐Ring Research University of Arizona 1215 E Lowell St. Tucson AZ 85721 USA
3. Forest Research and Management Institute ICAS Sos. Stefanesti 128 O77190 Voluntari Romania
4. Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro‐Food and Forest Systems University of Tuscia Via S. Camillo de Lellis 01100 Viterbo Italy
5. University of Antwerp Universiteitsplein 1 2610 Wilrijk Belgium
6. Department of Physics University of Helsinki PO Box 9 FIN‐00014 Helsinki Finland
7. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Frederiksborgvej 399 Roskilde Denmark
8. Technical University of Dresden Pienner Strasse 23 01737 Tharandt Germany
9. EC‐JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability Via Fermi 2749 21027 Ispra Italy
10. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de L'Environnement CEA‐CNRS‐UVSQ F‐91191 Gif‐sur‐Yvette France
11. Oeschger Center for Climate Change Zähringerstr. 25 3012 Bern Switzerland