1. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogic University
The article reveals the main approaches to the concept of «digitalisation» in Russian and foreign literature. It appeared in the 1970s, and since 2013, due to transferring digital business models into economy, the fifth stage of digitalisation has begun. In education that stage is characterised by using in educational processes models and technologies of digital cooperation and production of services, which leads to reformatting and updating of education. At the same time, there is a problem of understanding the essence of digitalisation and giving its definition. In accordance with the specifics of denining digitalisation, the authors consider two approaches to be applicable to digitalisation in educational sphere – application of digital resources in education (technological integration, when digitalisation is designed to optimise the educational processes with help of digital technologies); digitalisation of the curriculum and educational goals (including digital literacy in national educational standards; in that meaning digitalisation is meant to teach students to work with digital technologies
and develop their digital competences). The authors of the article consider digital processes in education as necessary for transition to the digital economy and training of appropriate personnel. Digitalisation is recognised as a positive phenomenon
changing the organisation of teaching processes and teacher education in accordance with the demands of time.
Kostroma State University
Cited by
7 articles.