1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina
2. Chengdu PetroChina Kunlun Energy Co., Ltd.
Unconventional oil and gas reserves have drawn considerable attention for petroleum companies over the last two decades. Eco-friendly electric-powered drilling rigs and fracturing fleets have been commercially available instead of diesel-powered equipment. However, Operators were often confronted with challenges of the great demand on electrical power especially fracturing operation. Fossil-energy-powered electricity and existing expensive high-voltage power grids have negative effect on Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) initiatives and CAPEX of shale-oil developing projects. Additionally, although operators concern multi-energy complementary with regard to green energy such as solar energy and wind power, economic and efficiency drawbacks of green electricity caused by power uncertainties could not be ignored.
Unconventional reserves have been proved in Western China full of abundant green energy. As demonstrated in the national project of "Channels computing resources from east to west", computing-power data centers are constructed with electrochemical Energy-Storage System (ESS) in Western China and power source mainly stem from local green energy. In this paper one novel green-power supply solution based on capacity leasing and energy storage sharing with data centers was proposed due to electrical power surplus. One hybrid power network, combining 35kV grid with Multi Micro-grids (MMGs) between green-power stations and oil field pads, was planned to be constructed by operators. One ESS-based system integrating MMGs was set up in one case demonstration. Some mobile energy-storage units were used for cost-effective power supply and peak shaving on certain pads due to poor load curves. The solution feasibility was verified and compared with the traditional power supply mode. ESS-based system with MMGs is qualified for affordable green-powered well construction and sustainable development of unconventional oil fields.