Many different natural materials are used in complementary medicine. Among natural products, herbal materials are used quite a lot. Centaurea rigida Willd. was used as material in this study. The antioxidant and oxidant potential of the plant was determined. The aerial parts of the plant sample were extracted with ethanol in a soxhlet device. Antioxidant and oxidant potentials were measured with Rel Assay kits. As a result of the studies, the total antioxidant value of the plant was determined as 3.522±0.166, the total oxidant value as 15.424±0.281 and the oxidative stress index as 0.440±0.020. It was determined that the plant has antioxidant potential, but its oxidant values are high. As a result, it was determined that C. rigida could be used as a natural antioxidant source.
Turkish Science and Technology Publishing (TURSTEP)
Cited by
7 articles.