1. National Center for Education Statistics, Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions (NCES 98–062, Statistical Analysis Report) [Online]. Available: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/distance/index.html (October 1997).
2. Melody M. Thompson, “Distance Learners in Higher Education,” in Distance Learners in Higher Education: Institutional Responses for Quality Outcomes, edited by Chere Campbell Gibson (Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing, 1998), pp. 9–24.
3. Michael G. Moore, “Introduction,” in Distance Learners in Higher Education: Institutional Responses for Quality Outcomes, edited by Chere Campbell Gibson (Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing, 1998), pp. 1–7.
4. Rick Powell, Sharon McGuire, & Gail Crawford, “Convergence of Student Types: Issues for Distance Education,” in The Convergence of Distance and Conventional Education, edited by Alan Tait & Roger Mills (New York: Routledge, 1999), pp. 86–99.
5. John E. Cantelon, “The Evolution and Advantages of Distance Education,” in Facilitating Distance Education, edited by Mark H. Rossman and Maxine E. Rossman (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995), p. 6.