Heavy Metal Removal by Alginate Based Agriculture and Industrial Waste Nanocomposites


Omer Shivangi


The use of biopolymers and nonliving organisms as sorbents is one of the most promising techniques because they contain several functional groups which show different affinities towards various metal ions. Alginate is naturally occurring anionic biopolymer extracted from brown algae. It also contains numerous applications in biomedical science and engineering due to its favorable properties and ease of gelatin. This chapter represents a overview based on alginate based agriculture and industrial waste nanocomposites and found that limited studies are reported for combination of alginate with industrial/agriculture waste in nanoscalic material so far, but this review study enlightening the several studies based on nanocomposite combinations of alginates and biopolymers and these biopolymers can also be derived from various agro/industrial waste by simple chemical and mechanical methods. So, we should work on the formulation of alginates agro/industrial waste nanocomposites. Preparation of alginate nanomaterials with agriculture/industrial waste constituents confirms its effectiveness in water purification. In the environment, we can control its reutilization by desorption studies. Another advantage is that it can be transform from nanoparticles to nano polymeric films and support to batch adsorption process to fixed bed column in form of large-scale application.



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