The research of antioxidant activity and its changes during storage of fruit and berry raw materials of the Sverdlovsk region


Чугунова Ольга1,Chugunova Ol'ga2,Заворохина Наталия3,Zavorokhina Nataliya4,Вяткин Антон,Vyatkin A.


1. ФГБОУ ВО Уральский государственный экономический университет

2. 8

3. Уральский государственный экономический университет

4. Ural State University of Economics


Abstract. Fruit and berry raw materials – a valuable source of the useful substances and antioxidants in a food allowance of the population of Sverdlovsk region. The purpose of researches was determination of the general antioxidant activity and its change at storage in the frozen type of fruit and berry raw materials. Material for a research were the fruit and berry raw materials growing in gardens of Sverdlovsk region including: sea buckthorn, raspberry, blackberry, blackcurrant, cherry, black-fruited chokeberry and shadberry. Method of research is inversion potentiometry. By results of the conducted researches it is established that the general antioxidant activity of a sea buckthorn was 2.204 mmol/l; ordinary raspberries – 1.976 mmol/l; gray blackberries – 0.513 mmol/l; blackcurrant – 8. 227 mmol/l; cherry ordinary – 4.971 mmol/l; black-fruited chokeberry – 8.026 mmol/l; shadberry roundleaf – 1.261 mmol/l. At storage of fruit and berry raw materials in a condition of freezing within 9 months of observations, made: at a sea-buckthorn to 0.416 mmol/l; at raspberry ordinary – to 0.225 mmol/l; at blackberry gray – to 0.113 mmol/l; at blackcurrant – to 4.173 mmol/l; at cherry ordinary – to 3.197 mmol/l; at an chokeberry black-fruited – to 2.754 mmol/l; at a shadberry roundleaf – to 0.229 mmol/l. It is proved that the growing in the gardens which are in the territory of Sverdlovsk region, fruit and berry raw materials can be an important source of antioxidants for consumers, and freezing allows to keep the useful antioxidant properties of berries for a period of up to 6 months.


Urals State Agrarian University

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