Development of Adaptogenic Beverages from Arctic Raw Materials for the Far North Residents


Zavorokhina Natalia1,Mysakov Denis1,Bochkova Anastasia1


1. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation


The extreme living conditions of the Far North inhabitants contribute to the specific metabolism formation: the sugar content in the blood decreases by 40–45 %; proteins and fats supply with the energy, as in regions with a warmer climate, compared to the regions with a warmer climate where carbohydrates provide it. The research aims at developing adaptogenic drinks for the Far North residents, considering their metabolism peculiarities and extreme living conditions. The researchers analyzed the main factors shaping the metabolism specifics of the indigenous population of Russia, including the lack of agriculture, extreme climatic conditions, vitamin D deficiency due to the sunlight deficiency, vitamin C due to the plant food shortage, polar stress syndrome and piblocto. A man revealed that the Northerners faced the deficiency of selenium – up to 80 %, vitamin C – up to 69.4 %, zinc – up to 37.5 %, magnesium – up to 27.6 %, phospholipids – 35.8 %. The authors developed the “Vatutel” and “Vatu–tsai” drinks formulations based on Arctic vegetable raw materials with cryoprotective properties traditional for the indigenous population diet – cowberries, cranberries, rosehip fruits, narrow-leaved cypress, calendula officinalis, as well as vitamin premix, flaxseed flour containing water-soluble pentosans that form the drink consistency. They also formulated the technology and recipe of frozen semi-finished product for the drink “Vatu–tsai” with and without capsaicin have been developed. A portion of the drink “Vatu–tsai” contains (from the daily intake rate): 3.59 % vitamin D3, 5.38 % vitamin C, 4.31 % vitamin E, 4.32 % beta-carotene, 5.33 % zinc, 1.44 % selenium. The developed drinks are made from ingredients available to the Far North population growing in places of residence; have a simple manufacturing and storage technology; increase the body adaptation to extreme conditions due to vitamins E, D3, C; consumed hot (75 °C) they reduce cold stress, including due to capsaicin in the composition; and consider metabolism and traditions peculiarities of the population.


Ural State University of Economics


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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