After reviewing the literature on the topic, a lack of studies of the opinions of Generation Z on the perceived disadvantages of remote work was identified, forming a research gap. It was considered important to determine how employees representing Generation Z in Poland perceive their impact on job satisfaction, which is important in the process of building motivational systems. The purpose of the article is to determine the perception of representatives of Generation Z in Poland of the impact of the disadvantages of remote work on job satisfaction. The goal is to find answers to the question - which disadvantages significantly reduce the level of their satisfaction? Realisation of the chosen objective, answering the research question and verifying the hypotheses were possible by conducting a literature review and a survey, and using selected instruments of statistical analysis. The study showed that male and female representatives of Generation Z statistically have significantly different perceptions of the disadvantages of remote work, which can affect the lack of satisfaction with remote work, with its disadvantages classified into 4 areas. The survey found that the greatest impact on lack of satisfaction with remote work was from increased stress, awareness of the lack of physical interaction, isolation, inadequate technical infrastructure, as well as the need to perform tasks independently and an increase in responsibilities without additional compensation.
Szkoła Główna Handlowa GV
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