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2. Coronavirus update (live): 34,150,561 cases and 1,018,211 deaths from COVID-19 virus pandemic. worldometer. Available from: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/. Accessed October 1, 2020.
3. India Fights Back: COVID-19 Pandemic
4. In fighting common threats, people’s deep commitment to taking collective action matters: examples from China’s COVID-19 battle and her other combats
5. Health sector response to novel coronavirus (2019-ncov), situation report no. 1. Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal; January 28, 2020. Available from: https://mohp.gov.np/attachments/article/543/Health%20Sector%20Response%20to%20Novel%20Coronavirus%20(2019-nCoV)%20English.pdf. Accessed October 2, 2020.