Scientific and technological bases for creation of cold-resistant steel with a guaranteed yield strength of 315–750 MPa for the Arctic. Part 2. Technology of production, structure and properties of sheet hire performance


Sych O. V.1


1. NRC ”Kurchatov Institute” – CRISM “Prometey”


On the basis of the conducted research, a complex of scientific and technological methods has been developed for various technological processes (thermomechanical processing with accelerated cooling, quenching from rolling and separate furnace heating with high-temperature tempering). The developed method provides the formation of the structure of acceptable heterogeneity and anisotropy according to different morphological and crystallographic parameters throughout the thickness of rolled products up to 100 mm from low alloy steels with a yield strength of at least 315–460 MPa and up to 60 mm from economically alloyed steels with a yield strength of at least 500–750 MPa. The paper presents results of the industrial implementation of hot plastic deformation and heat treatment schemes for the production of cold rolled steel sheet with yield strength of at least 315–750 MPa for the Arctic. The structure of sheet metal thickness is given, providing guaranteed characteristics of strength, ductility, cold resistance, weldability and crack resistance.



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