Scientific and technological bases for creation of cold-resistant steel with a guaranteed yield strength of 315–750 MPa for the Arctic. Part 1: Principles of alloying and requirements for sheet metal structure


Sych O. V.1


1. NRC “Kurchatov Institute” – CRISM “Prometey”


The results of the choice of rational alloying and microalloying of cold-resistant steels with a guaranteed yield strength of 315–750 MPa are presented on the basis of the established interrelationship of phase transformations, structure, mechanical properties and performance characteristics when varying the content of basic alloying elements. Quantitative requirements for various structural parameters and their maximum permissible difference in sheet metal thickness up to 100 mm have been developed, depending on the strength category, manufacturing technology (thermomechanical treatment with accelerated cooling, hardening from separate furnace or rolling heating with high temperature tempering), which provide guaranteed characteristics of strength, cold resistance (impact work KV at test temperature –60 ... –80°С, critical temperatures of viscousbrittle transition Ткand zero ductility NDT) and crack resistance under the criterion of the critical opening in the top CTOD fracture.



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