Formation of austenite in ferrite-beinite, beinite-martensite and martensitic shipbuilding steels and its influence on the transformed structure


Korotovskaya S. V.1,Sych O. V.1,Khlusova E. I.1,Anisimov D. M.1


1. NRC “Kurchatov Institute” – CRISM “Prometey”


This article investigates the kinetics of austenite grain growth during heating and the features of phase transformations depending on the austenite grain size in ferrite-bainitic, bainite-martensitic and martensitic shipbuilding steels. The kinetics of dynamic and static recrystallization is studied depending on the holding time at a given temperature. The studies carried out made it possible to determine the effect of the austenite grain size in shipbuilding steels of manganese, manganese-nickel and nickel alloying composition on the transformed structure.



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