1. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (FSUE VIAM)
The paper presents the scientific, technical and technological aspects in the field of creating new high-temperature materials for parts of the hot section of gas turbine engines (GTE) with operating temperatures exceeding those existing in GTE. More refractory metallic materials for the creation of new high-heat-resistant alloys used for the manufacture of rotor and nozzle blades and other parts of promising gas turbine engines based on NiAl-Ni3Al, Co-Cr-Re, Pt-Al, Nb-Si, Mo-Si-B systems have been investigated. It is shown that, depending on the composition of the selected matrix, the working temperature of heat-resistant alloys increases to 1300-1500°С, which is significantly higher than the existing nickel heat-resistant alloys.
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5 articles.