Остроухова (Ostroukhova) Людмила (Lyudmila) Андреевна (Andreyevna),Федорова (Fedorova) Татьяна (Tat'yana) Евгеньевна (Evgen'evna),Онучина (Onuchina) Нина (Nina) Аркадьевна (Arkad'yevna),Левчук (Levchuk) Алексей (Aleksey) Александрович (Aleksandrovich),Бабкин (Babkin) Василий (Vasiliy) Анатольевич (Anatol'yevich)
The study of the quantitative content of extractive substances from various tree organs (wood, roots, bark) of coniferous Siberian specieswas conducted. The larch (Larix sibirica L.), pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), fir (Abies sibirica L.), spruce (Picea obovata L.) and cedar (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) were investigated.
Samples of coniferous tissues were selected in the Lake Baikal area in September-October 2015. Extractive substances were extracted from the ground raw material by extraction with ethyl acetate at the boiling point of the solvent for 4 hours. The resinous substances were extracted from the obtained ethyl acetate extracts by hexane by the infusion method for 2 days. The raw material samples, after extraction with ethyl acetate, were dried from solvent residues, then water-soluble substances were extracted by extraction with distilled water at 90 °C for 4 hours [1].
It is established the bark of the investigated coniferous species is most rich in extractive substances. It can contain up to 15% of the mass of absolutely dry matter (a.d.m.) of compounds soluble in ethyl acetate (for example, fir bark). The yield of extractive substances from coniferous wood is comparable with their content in the roots and ranges from 2 to 6% of the a.d.m.
The greatest amount of resinous substances contain in wood of cedar and pine. This is more than 3% of a.d.m. The highest yield of water-soluble substances was from larch wood (18% of a.d.m.) and fir bark (10% of a.d.m.).
A generalization and systematization of data on the chemical composition of phenolic extractive compounds of various coniferous tissues was carried out. It is shown that all the species under study contain a variety of biologically valuable polyphenols and have good potential for pharmacology, agriculture and forestry.
Organic Chemistry,Plant Science,Biomaterials
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8 articles.