1. Baikal State University
2. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article considers the stratification of concomitant diagnoses of Covid-19 recovery statistics for the city of Irkutsk for 2020-2021. The previous study was conducted without taking into account such stratification. Various options for approximating real statistics by Gaussian and Lorentz functions, gamma distribution, and Johnson curves are considered. It is shown that the stratification of recovery statistics improves the approximation of Gaussian and Lorentz functions in comparison with integral statistics, and the construction of an approximation based on the Lorentz function always describes the real statistics better. Estimates of mathematical expectation and variance based on statistical data are consistent with estimates of these values based on the Gaussian approximation of statistics by the least squares method, i.e. the approaches are equivalent. At the same time, calculations of the Pearson Chi-squared criterion reject the hypothesis that empirical data correspond to the assumed theoretical distribution. Therefore, we cannot talk about finding the distribution function, but only about approximating statistics by certain types of curves. The fitting of empirical data by Gaussian and Lorentz functions was carried out using the least squares method. In general, the approximation error due to the stratification of statistics on concomitant diagnoses decreases from 6% to 3%.
Astrakhan State Technical University
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