Semi-canned fish pates with immunomodulation components


Lavruhina Elizaveta Vasilyevna1,zarubin Nikita Yurievich2,Kharenko Elena Nikolaevna1,Bredihina Ol'ga Valentinovna1,Arkhipov Leonid Olegovich3


1. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

2. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

3. Russian Federal Research Institute Of Fisheries and Oceanography


In accordance with the Strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030, the priority is scientific research in the field of nutrition of the population, including in the field of prevention of the most common non-infectious diseases and the development of production technologies aimed at improving the quality of food products, as well as promoting the principles of healthy nutrition. One of the ways to increase and promote them is the development of products containing immunomodulating components, which refers to promising areas for strengthening the immune defense of the human body. There are presented the formulations of finished food products (fish pates) containing components with immunomodulatory properties, such as fat-soluble vitamins A and D, Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, copper (Cu) and the prebiotic inulin. Optimal formulations have been designed and the technology of the products has been developed. Analyses of the quality indicators of the developed finished products allowed us to establish its high nutritional, in particular biological value: semi-canned food contains fat-soluble vitamins A (386.50 - 443.31 mcg/100 g) and D (10.39 - 12.96 mcg/100 g), polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 group (1.02 g - 1.35 g), essential microelement copper (0.86 - 1.21 mg/100 g), as well as dietary fibers, in particular inulin (3.12 - 3.49%), the amount of which will satisfy the daily physiological need by more than 15%, which allows to recommend them as natural functional food products with immunomodulating components.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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