Optimal conditions and parameters verification of fish fillets muscle tissue biotransformation by bacterial starter cultures


Lavruhina Elizaveta Vasilyevna1,zarubin Nikita Yurievich2,Bredikhina Olga Valentinovna3,Grinevich Alexandra Ivanovna3,Mezhonov Andrey Viktorovich3


1. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

2. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

3. Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


The article describes the relevance and expediency of using a method of biotechnological processing, namely biotransformation of fish raw materials by bacterial starter cultures, which is a priority of developing areas according to the Strategy of improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030. The studied method of processing will positively affect the shelf life of fish products, its organoleptic properties and nutritional value due to the formation of metabolites of the vital activity of bacterial starter cultures, which are the main factor of bioconservation, synthesis of vitamins and other biologically active substances. Probiotic properties of bacterial starter cultures will have a significant impact on the optimization of the internal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby strengthening the human body and its immune system as a whole, which supports the principles of a healthy lifestyle. In accordance with this, studies have been conducted to study the possibility of using bacterial starter cultures for the biotransformation of fish raw materials in order to further obtain a probiotic food product based on it. Data on the effect of bacterial starter cultures on organoleptic microstructural, physico-chemical and functional-technological characteristics of fish raw materials are presented. The number of residual cells of bacterial starter cultures in the muscle tissue of fish fillets, which meets the requirements for probiotic products, was revealed. The survival rate under the influence of temperatures and the dynamics of changes in the number of bacterial starter cultures during storage in fish fillet muscle tissue samples were determined, the data on which will be used to develop and adjust the thermal treatment modes of the final product. The influence of bacterial starter cultures on the changes in total viable count after biotransformation and during storage is analyzed, on the basis of which the effect of bioconservation is justified. The results of the conducted studies became the basis for the selection of the most suitable bacterial starter cultures, as well as verification of optimal conditions and parameters predicted by mathematical modeling algorithms for biotransfor-mation of the muscle tissue of fish fillets. At the next stage, research will be conducted to study the possibility of using fish raw materials treated with bacterial starter cultures in the formulations of “fast food” products containing functional components, which is justified by the accelerated rhythm of life and the desire of modern society to monitor their nutrition by eating foods that correspond to a healthy lifestyle.


Astrakhan State Technical University


General Medicine

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