Biodiversity recovery of Neotropical secondary forests


Rozendaal Danaë M. A.1234ORCID,Bongers Frans1ORCID,Aide T. Mitchell5,Alvarez-Dávila Esteban67ORCID,Ascarrunz Nataly8,Balvanera Patricia9,Becknell Justin M.10,Bentos Tony V.11ORCID,Brancalion Pedro H. S.12ORCID,Cabral George A. L.13,Calvo-Rodriguez Sofia14ORCID,Chave Jerome15,César Ricardo G.12ORCID,Chazdon Robin L.31617ORCID,Condit Richard18ORCID,Dallinga Jorn S.4,de Almeida-Cortez Jarcilene S.13,de Jong Ben19,de Oliveira Alexandre20ORCID,Denslow Julie S.21,Dent Daisy H.2223ORCID,DeWalt Saara J.24,Dupuy Juan Manuel25ORCID,Durán Sandra M.14ORCID,Dutrieux Loïc P.426,Espírito-Santo Mario M.27ORCID,Fandino María C.28,Fernandes G. Wilson29,Finegan Bryan30,García Hernando31ORCID,Gonzalez Noel32,Moser Vanessa Granda33,Hall Jefferson S.18,Hernández-Stefanoni José Luis25ORCID,Hubbell Stephen18,Jakovac Catarina C.111634ORCID,Hernández Alma Johanna31,Junqueira André B.163435ORCID,Kennard Deborah36ORCID,Larpin Denis37,Letcher Susan G.38,Licona Juan-Carlos8,Lebrija-Trejos Edwin39,Marín-Spiotta Erika40ORCID,Martínez-Ramos Miguel9,Massoca Paulo E. S.11ORCID,Meave Jorge A.41,Mesquita Rita C. G.11,Mora Francisco9ORCID,Müller Sandra C.42,Muñoz Rodrigo41ORCID,de Oliveira Neto Silvio Nolasco43,Norden Natalia31ORCID,Nunes Yule R. F.27ORCID,Ochoa-Gaona Susana19ORCID,Ortiz-Malavassi Edgar44,Ostertag Rebecca45,Peña-Claros Marielos1ORCID,Pérez-García Eduardo A.41,Piotto Daniel46ORCID,Powers Jennifer S.47,Aguilar-Cano José31,Rodriguez-Buritica Susana31ORCID,Rodríguez-Velázquez Jorge9,Romero-Romero Marco Antonio41,Ruíz Jorge4849ORCID,Sanchez-Azofeifa Arturo14ORCID,de Almeida Arlete Silva50,Silver Whendee L.51ORCID,Schwartz Naomi B.52ORCID,Thomas William Wayt53ORCID,Toledo Marisol8,Uriarte Maria52,de Sá Sampaio Everardo Valadares54,van Breugel Michiel185556ORCID,van der Wal Hans57,Martins Sebastião Venâncio43,Veloso Maria D. M.27,Vester Hans F. M.58,Vicentini Alberto11,Vieira Ima C. G.50ORCID,Villa Pedro5960,Williamson G. Bruce1161,Zanini Kátia J.42,Zimmerman Jess62,Poorter Lourens1


1. Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands.

2. Department of Biology, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada.

3. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA.

4. Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands.

5. Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 23360, San Juan, PR 00931-3360, Puerto Rico.

6. Escuela ECAPMA, UNAD, Calle 14 Sur No. 14-23, Bogotá, Colombia.

7. Fundación Con Vida, Avenida del Río # 20-114, Medellín, Colombia.

8. Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal (IBIF), Km 9 Carretera al Norte, El Vallecito, FCA-UAGRM, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

9. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, CP 58190, Morelia, Michoacán, México.

10. Environmental Studies Program, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901, USA.

11. Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, Coordenação de Dinâmica Ambiental, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, AM CEP 69067-375, Brazil.

12. Department of Forest Sciences, “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo, Av. Pádua Dias, 11, 13418-900 Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.

13. Departamento de Botânica-CCB, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Pernambuco, CEP 50670-901, Brazil.

14. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2EG, Canada.

15. Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique, UMR5174, CNRS/Université Paul Sabatier, Bâtiment 4R1, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France.

16. International Institute for Sustainability, Estrada Dona Castorina 124, Horto, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22460-320, Brazil.

17. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Ramaley N122, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.

18. SI ForestGEO, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Roosevelt Ave., 401 Balboa, Ancon, Panama.

19. Department of Sustainability Science, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Av. Rancho Polígono 2-A, Ciudad Industrial, Lerma 24500, Campeche, Mexico.

20. Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, Travessa 14, no. 321, São Paulo CEP 05508-090, Brazil.

21. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA.

22. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Roosevelt Ave., 401 Balboa, Ancon, Panama.

23. Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK.

24. Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University, 132 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634, USA.

25. Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán A.C. Unidad de Recursos Naturales, Calle 43 # 130 x 32 y 34, Colonia Chuburná de Hidalgo, C.P. 97200 Mérida, Yucatán, México.

26. National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO), Mexico City, C.P. 14010, México.

27. Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, CEP 39401-089, Brazil.

28. Fondo Patrimonio Natural para la Biodiversidad y Areas Protegidas, Calle 72 No. 12-65 piso 6, Bogotá, Colombia.

29. Ecologia Evolutiva & Biodiversidade/DBG, ICB/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG 30161-901, Brazil.

30. Forests, Biodiversity and Climate Change Programme, CATIE – Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba, Costa Rica.

31. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Calle 28A No. 15-09 Bogotá, Colombia.

32. Departamento de Ingenierías, Instituto Tecnológico de Chiná, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Calle 11 s/n, entre 22 y 28, Chiná, 24520 Campeche, México.

33. Graduate School, Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica.

34. Centre for Conservation and Sustainability Science (CSRio), Department of Geography and the Environment, Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

35. Department of Soil Quality, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA, Wageningen, Netherlands.

36. Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, Colorado Mesa University, 1100 North Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA.

37. Direction Générale Déléguée aux Musées et aux Jardins botaniques et zoologiques (DGD-MJZ), Direction des Jardins Botaniques, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 43 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France.

38. Department of Environmental Studies, Purchase College (SUNY), 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577, USA.

39. Department of Biology and the Environment, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Haifa-Oranim, Tivon 36006, Israel.

40. Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 550 North Park St., Madison, WI 53706, USA.

41. Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, C.P. 04510, México.

42. Graduate Program in Ecology, Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

43. Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

44. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago, Costa Rica.

45. Department of Biology, University of Hawai’i at Hilo, Hilo, HI 96720, USA.

46. Centro de Formação em Ciências Agroflorestais, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia, Itabuna-BA, 45613-204, Brazil.

47. Departments of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior and Plant Biology, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108, USA.

48. School of Social Sciences, Geography Area, Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia (UPTC), Tunja, Colombia.

49. Department of Geography, 4841 Ellison Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA.

50. Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, C.P. 399, CEP 66040-170, Belém, Pará, Brazil.

51. Ecosystem Science Division, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.

52. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, NY, 10027, USA.

53. Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458-5126, USA.

54. Departamento de Energia Nuclear -CTG, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Av. Prof. Luis Freire 1000, Recife, Pernambuco, CEP 50740-540, Brazil.

55. Yale-NUS College, 16 College Avenue West, Singapore 138610, Singapore.

56. Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543, Singapore.

57. Departamento de Agricultura, Sociedad y Ambiente, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Villahermosa, 86280 Centro Tabasco, México.

58. Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94248, 1090 GE Amsterdam, Netherlands.

59. Program of Botany, Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

60. Fundación para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad (ProBiodiversa), 5101 Mérida, Mérida, Venezuela.

61. Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1705, USA.

62. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, San Juan, PR 00936, Puerto Rico.


Tropical secondary forests recover quickly (decades) in tree species richness but slowly (centuries) in species composition.


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas

Seventh Framework Programme


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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2. Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species

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4. Prospects for tropical forest biodiversity in a human-modified world

5. Carbon pools recover more quickly than plant biodiversity in tropical secondary forests;Martin P. A.;Proc. Biol. Sci.,2013







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