An estimate of the number of tropical tree species


Slik J. W. Ferry,Arroyo-Rodríguez Víctor,Aiba Shin-Ichiro,Alvarez-Loayza Patricia,Alves Luciana F.ORCID,Ashton Peter,Balvanera Patricia,Bastian Meredith L.,Bellingham Peter J.,van den Berg Eduardo,Bernacci Luis,da Conceição Bispo Polyanna,Blanc Lilian,Böhning-Gaese Katrin,Boeckx Pascal,Bongers Frans,Boyle Brad,Bradford Matt,Brearley Francis Q.,Breuer-Ndoundou Hockemba Mireille,Bunyavejchewin Sarayudh,Calderado Leal Matos Darley,Castillo-Santiago Miguel,Catharino Eduardo L. M.,Chai Shauna-Lee,Chen Yukai,Colwell Robert K.,Chazdon Robin L.,Clark Connie,Clark David B.,Clark Deborah A.,Culmsee Heike,Damas Kipiro,Dattaraja Handanakere S.,Dauby Gilles,Davidar Priya,DeWalt Saara J.,Doucet Jean-Louis,Duque Alvaro,Durigan Giselda,Eichhorn Karl A. O.,Eisenlohr Pedro V.,Eler Eduardo,Ewango Corneille,Farwig Nina,Feeley Kenneth J.,Ferreira Leandro,Field Richard,de Oliveira Filho Ary T.,Fletcher Christine,Forshed Olle,Franco Geraldo,Fredriksson Gabriella,Gillespie Thomas,Gillet Jean-François,Amarnath Giriraj,Griffith Daniel M.,Grogan James,Gunatilleke Nimal,Harris David,Harrison Rhett,Hector Andy,Homeier Jürgen,Imai Nobuo,Itoh Akira,Jansen Patrick A.,Joly Carlos A.,de Jong Bernardus H. J.,Kartawinata Kuswata,Kearsley Elizabeth,Kelly Daniel L.,Kenfack David,Kessler Michael,Kitayama Kanehiro,Kooyman Robert,Larney Eileen,Laumonier Yves,Laurance Susan,Laurance William F.,Lawes Michael J.,Amaral Ieda Leao do,Letcher Susan G.,Lindsell Jeremy,Lu Xinghui,Mansor Asyraf,Marjokorpi Antti,Martin Emanuel H.,Meilby Henrik,Melo Felipe P. L.,Metcalfe Daniel J.,Medjibe Vincent P.,Metzger Jean Paul,Millet Jerome,Mohandass D.,Montero Juan C.,de Morisson Valeriano Márcio,Mugerwa Badru,Nagamasu Hidetoshi,Nilus Reuben,Ochoa-Gaona Susana,Onrizal ,Page Navendu,Parolin Pia,Parren Marc,Parthasarathy Narayanaswamy,Paudel Ekananda,Permana Andrea,Piedade Maria T. F.,Pitman Nigel C. A.,Poorter Lourens,Poulsen Axel D.,Poulsen John,Powers Jennifer,Prasad Rama C.,Puyravaud Jean-Philippe,Razafimahaimodison Jean-Claude,Reitsma Jan,dos Santos João Roberto,Roberto Spironello Wilson,Romero-Saltos Hugo,Rovero Francesco,Rozak Andes HamurabyORCID,Ruokolainen Kalle,Rutishauser Ervan,Saiter Felipe,Saner Philippe,Santos Braulio A.,Santos Fernanda,Sarker Swapan K.,Satdichanh Manichanh,Schmitt Christine B.ORCID,Schöngart Jochen,Schulze Mark,Suganuma Marcio S.,Sheil Douglas,da Silva Pinheiro Eduardo,Sist Plinio,Stevart Tariq,Sukumar Raman,Sun I.-Fang,Sunderland Terry,Suresh H. S.,Suzuki Eizi,Tabarelli Marcelo,Tang Jangwei,Targhetta Natália,Theilade Ida,Thomas Duncan W.,Tchouto Peguy,Hurtado Johanna,Valencia Renato,van Valkenburg Johan L. C. H.,Van Do Tran,Vasquez Rodolfo,Verbeeck Hans,Adekunle Victor,Vieira Simone A.,Webb Campbell O.,Whitfeld Timothy,Wich Serge A.,Williams John,Wittmann Florian,Wöll Hannsjoerg,Yang Xiaobo,Adou Yao C. Yves,Yap Sandra L.,Yoneda Tsuyoshi,Zahawi Rakan A.,Zakaria Rahmad,Zang Runguo,de Assis Rafael L.,Garcia Luize Bruno,Venticinque Eduardo M.


The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, we use a fitted value of Fisher’s alpha and an approximate pantropical stem total to estimate the minimum number of tropical forest tree species to fall between ∼40,000 and ∼53,000, i.e., at the high end of previous estimates. Contrary to common assumption, the Indo-Pacific region was found to be as species-rich as the Neotropics, with both regions having a minimum of ∼19,000–25,000 tree species. Continental Africa is relatively depauperate with a minimum of ∼4,500–6,000 tree species. Very few species are shared among the African, American, and the Indo-Pacific regions. We provide a methodological framework for estimating species richness in trees that may help refine species richness estimates of tree-dependent taxa.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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