1. Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Holon, Israel
2. Ort Hermelin Academic College, Netanya, Israel
Physical properties of thin films significantly differ from those of bulk
materials. Also, these properties are influenced from the technological
parameters of the films deposition technique. Therefore, characterization
methods for evaluation of thin film properties become of high importance. A
novel approach to the well-known "Hot-Probe" method is proposed and applied
in our work. The conventional Hot Probe characterization method enables only
the definition of a semiconductor type, P or N, by identifying the majority
of the charged carriers. According to the new Hot Probe technique, one can
measure and calculate the impurities concentration and charged carriers
dynamic parameters. Feasibility proof of the upgraded Hot Probe method was
done in Si and Ge bulk, and in thin film semiconductor samples of In2O3 and
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36 articles.