1. Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
Current demands of consumers and thus producers are important when targeting
watermelon breeding programs, especially in programs aimed at improvement of
fruit traits. A complete diallel set has been investigated for breeding
values of six watermelon lines, via general and specific combining ability,
relationships between general and specific combining ability, heritability
and heterosis for fruit size, rind thickness, soluble solids and fruit shape.
The lines P2 and P4 were good general combiners for fruit size. These lines
also had high values of specific combining ability in direct and reciprocal
crosses. The lines with negative general combining ability for fruit size (P1
and P5) can be used in breeding for small fruits (4-6 kg), good taste (high
sugar content), desired rind thickness, desired fruit form and high fruit
ratio. Relationships between general and specific combining ability indicated
that the additive effect played an important role in the expression of fruit
weight, rind thickness and sugar content, while fruit shape was inherited
incompletely dominantly.
National Library of Serbia
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7 articles.