1. Naučni Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
A diallel cross (including reciprocals), involving seven open-pollinated varieties having different head shape was made and 42 F1 hybrids were produced under greenhouse conditions and in the experimental field of Scientific Institute of field and vegetable crops in Novi Sad. The objective of this paper was to determine mean value, components of variability and mode of inheritance of two morphological characters of head shape, head width and head height. In our study superdominance occurred the most with head height (as many as 23 times) and the least with head width (16 times). The negative heterosis was not occurred in any combination as like as partial dominance of the poorer parent. The results showed significant divergence of the traits under study, which will also constitute an important source of variability for future cycles of selection in our Institute.
National Library of Serbia
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2 articles.