1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš
The modeling of thermal effects has become increasingly important in product
design in different transport means, road vehicles, airplanes, railway
vehicles, and so forth. The thermal analysis is a very important stage in the
study of braking systems, especially of railway vehicles, where it is
necessary to brake huge masses, because the thermal load of a braked railway
wheel prevails compared to other types of loads. In the braking phase,
kinetic energy transforms into thermal energy resulting in intense heating
and high temperature states of railway wheels. Thus induced thermal loads
determine thermomechanical behavior of the structure of railway wheels. In
cases of thermal overloads, which mainly occur as a result of long-term
braking on down-grade railroads, the generation of stresses and deformations
occurs, whose consequences are the appearance of cracks on the rim of a wheel
and the final total wheel defect. The importance to precisely determine the
temperature distribution caused by the transfer process of the heat generated
during braking due to the friction on contact surfaces of the braking system
makes it a challenging research task. Therefore, the thermal analysis of a
block-braked solid railway wheel of a 444 class locomotive of the national
railway operator Serbian Railways is processed in detail in this paper, using
analytical and numerical modeling of thermal effects during long-term braking
for maintaining a constant speed on a down-grade railroad.
National Library of Serbia
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Cited by
29 articles.
1. Integration of brake block thermal equations within a railway vehicle multibody model: a multiphysics approach;International Journal of Rail Transportation;2024-01-18
2. An experimental measurement and numerical calculation method on friction temperature rise of sliding contact pairs - taking rail/wheel contact as an example;Journal of Measurements in Engineering;2023-03-13
3. Simulation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of tread braked railway wheels by means of a 2D finite element model;Tribology International;2023-02
4. Development of information support for the design of heat control systems for drum brakes;THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (ICENIS) 2021: Topic of Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, and Information System;2023
5. The adaptive brake pressure control system for passenger trains;THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (ICENIS) 2021: Topic of Energy, Environment, Epidemiology, and Information System;2023