1. Oregon Senate President's Office , “SB 27 Issues and Responses” ( Salem, Oreg. : May 1990 ), 1 - 2 . Opponents of the program, particularly nationally and those in Washing-ton, D.C., have criticized state officials for the initial focus on the most vulnerable populations, namely, poor women and children. However, our research provided convincing evidence that the reason for the initial limitation was tactical and administrative; the ambitious nature of the program and the difficulty in providing long-term care under Medicaid led to the exclusion of the other groups from S.B. 27. Persons in the Old Age, Blind, and Disabled and Foster Care programs will continue to receive benefits under existing Medicaid rules .
2. Trends in Medicaid Eligibility: 1975 to 1985
3. National Center for Health Statistics, Health, United States
Hyattsville, Md.
U.S. Public Health Service