1. American Geosciences Institute (AGI), n.d., Geosciences Workforce Brochure: http://www.agiweb.org/workforce/brochure.html (accessed December 2014).
2. Development of system thinking skills in the context of earth system education
3. Atchison, C.L. , and Gilley, B.H. , 2015, Geology for everyone: Making the field accessible: Alexandria, Virginia, Earth, American Geosciences Institute, September, 24–33.
4. Atchison, C.L. , and Houlton, H. , 2014, The geoscience community behind the first fully-accessible GSA field trip: Alexandria, Virginia, GeoSpectrum, American Geosciences Institute, Fall 2014, p. 68–69.
5. Fostering Accessibility in Geoscience Training Programs