O strukturze związków zawodowych po nowelizacji prawa związkowego z dnia 5 lipca 2018 r.


Barański Michał1,Gredka-Ligarska Iwona1


1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


This study is an analysis of the existing regulations regarding the construction of the trade union organization, the mechanism for raising objections regarding the number of members of the trade union organization and the representativeness of trade unions. The latest amendment to the Trade Unions Act, introducing a change in the coalition law in trade unions, modifies the structure of the trade union organization at the same time. Also the criteria for establishing representativeness of a company or supra-company trade union organization have been materially amended. As regards supra-company trade union organizations, the threshold of representativeness has been increased from 10% to 15% per total of not just employees, as previously, but all persons performing paid work and covered by the scope of a given organization’s statute. Also on the company level the percentage thresholds of representativeness have been increased. In addition, the legislator introduced a new type of representativeness, which may be described as employee representativeness.


University of Warsaw

Reference18 articles.

1. Baran K. W. (red.), Zbiorowe prawo pracy. Komentarz, Warszawa 2016

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3. Barański M., Mądrzycki B., Ustalanie liczby godzin wykonania umowy zlecenia lub nienazwanej umowy o świadczenie usług w celu zapewnienia minimalnej stawki godzinowej, „Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne” 2017, nr 3

4. Barański M., Reżim prawny umowy o praktykę absolwencką, „Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego” 2018, z. 2

5. Florek L., Prawo pracy, Warszawa 2017

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