An air-filled microgripper in microassembly system with coaxial alignment function
Ye Xin,Shao Chao,Zhang Zhijing,Gao Jun,Yu Yang
– The purpose of this paper is to design a microgripper that can achieve nondestructive gripping of a miniaturized ultra-thin-walled cylindrical part.
– The microgripper is mainly made of an inflatable silica gel gasbag, which can minimize the damage to the part in the gripping process. This paper introduces the design principle of a flexible air-filled microgripper, which is applied in an in-house microassembly system with coaxial alignment function. Its parameters and performance specifications have been obtained by simulation, experiment demarcating. The results show that the microgripper is able to grasp an ultra-thin-walled part non-destructively.
– For the microgripper, finite element simulations and experiments were carried out, and both results indicate that the microgripper can achieve nondestructive gripping of a miniaturized ultra-thin-walled cylindrical part, with good stability, great grasping force and high repeat positioning accuracy.
– Gripping the ultra-thin-walled part may lead to deformation and destruction easily. It has been a big bottleneck hindering successful assembly. This article introduces a novel microgripper using an inflatable sac. The work is interesting from an industrial point of view for a specific category of assembly applications. It provides a theoretical guidance and technical support to design a microgripper for a miniaturized ultra-thin-walled part of different sizes.
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering
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