2. Trusler, John, Principles of Politeness and of Knowing the World. By the late Lord Chesterfield. Methodised and digested under distinct Heads, with additions, By the Rev. Dr. John Trusler: Containing Every Instruction necessary to complete the Gentleman and Man of Fashion ; to teach him a Knowledge of Life, and make him well received in all Companies. To which is now first annexed A Father's Legacy To his Daughters: By the late Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh. The whole admirably calculated for the improvement of Youth, yet not beneath the attention of any. Portsmouth, NH: Melcher and Osborne, 1786
3. Watt, Ian. The Rise of the Novel. 1957. Reprint, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968
4. [Trusler, John, ed.]. The Honours of the Table, or, Rules for Behaviour During Meals, with the Whole Art of Carving, Illustrated by a variety of cuts. Together with Directions for Going to Market, and for the choice of provisions. To which is added A Number of Hints, or concise Lessons for the Improvement of Youth, on all Occasions in Life. Dublin: W. Sleater, 1791
5. Wolfe, Alan. One Nation, After All: What Middle-Class Americans Really Think about God, Country, Family, Racism, Welfare, Immigration, Homosexuality, Work, the Right, the Left, and Each Other. New York: Viking, 1998