Powles J.,Wiseman J.,Cole D.J. A.,Hardy B.
AbstractFour metabolism trials were conducted. Trials 1 and 2 (Tl, T2) investigated degree of saturation of fats (ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids, U/S) on digestible energy (DE) content. Fats evaluated were rape oil (RO) and tallow (T) for Tl (U/S 15·67 and 0·97 respectively) and RO and palm oil (PO) for T2 (U/S 15·33 and 0·85 respectively). Three fats of intermediary U/S for each trial were produced by blending the two fats in proportions to give U/S of 3·18,2·08 and 1·49 in both trials. Trials 3 and 4 (T3, T4) investigated the effect of free fatty acid (FFA) content of fats on DE value. Fats were soya-bean oil (SO) and soya-bean acid oil (SAO) for T3 (FFA 6·2 and 626·0 g/kg respectively) and T and tallow acid oil (TAO) for T4 (FFA 44·3 and 818·2 g/kg fat respectively). Three fats of intermediary FFA for each trial were formed by blending the two fats in the ratios of 72:25, 50: 50 and 25: 75 in both trials. The FFA content of the blends were 161·2, 316·1 and 471·1 g/kg fat for T3 and 237·8, 431·3 and 624·7 g/kg fat for T4. All trials evaluated five fats by substitution, at 40, 80 and 120 g/kg into a basal diet, in a cross-over design, with 16 gilts of 25 kg initial live weight evaluating 16 diets over four time periods. Diets were offered for 10 days followed by a 5-day collection period using the marker to marker technique. Fat content of food and faeces, with methodology based on acid hydrolysis, allowed calculation of apparent digestible fat (AFD) of experimental diets. Analysis of variance gave effects of fats (P < 0·001 for Tl, T3 and T4 and P = 0·014 for T2), rates of inclusion (P < 0·001 for all trials), and fats × rates (P > 0·05, P > 0·05, P < 0·001, P < 0·01 for T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively). Extrapolation of the function obtained by regressing AFD of diets (y) on rate of inclusion of fat (x) to × = 1000 generated values for the fats. The product of the coefficient of apparent fat digestibility of fats and their respective gross energies gave DE values for fats which were MJ/kg: T1 RO = 35·8 and T = 31·2; T2 RO = 36·7 and PO = 33·1; T3 SO = 374 and SAO = 32·8 and T4 T = 33·8 and TAO = 28·9. Data for fat blends intermediary between the two fats showed that DE improved exponentially as a function of U/S and that DE declined linearly with increasing FFA content.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Animal Science and Zoology
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42 articles.