Forward kinematics modeling of spatial parallel linkage mechanisms based on constraint equations and the numerical solving method


Gao Liyang,Wu Weiguo


SUMMARYIn order to solve general kinematics modeling problems and numerical stability problems of numerical methods for spatial parallel linkage mechanisms, a general modeling method and its numerical solving algorithm is proposed. According to the need for avoiding direct singular configurations, valid joint variable space and valid forward kinematics solutions (VKSs) are defined. Taking numerical convergence near singular points into account, the pseudo-arc length homotopy continuation algorithm is given to solve the kinematics model. Finally as an example, the joint variable space of the general Stewart platform mechanism is analyzed, which is proved to be divided into subspaces by direct singular surfaces. And then, forward kinematics solutions of 200 testing points are solved separately using the pseudo-arc length homotopy continuation algorithm, the Newton homotopy continuation algorithm and the Newton–Raphson algorithm (NRA). Comparison of the results shows that the proposed method is convergent to the same solution branch with the initial configuration on all the testing points, while the other two algorithms skip to other solution branches on some near singular testing points.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Computer Science Applications,General Mathematics,Software,Control and Systems Engineering

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