Triglyceride synthesis by small-intestinal epithelium of the pig, sheep and chicken


Bickerstaffe R.1,Annison E. F.1


1. Unilever Research Laboratory, Colworth House, Sharnbrook, Bedford


1. A comparative study was made of triglyceride synthesis by the intestinal epithelium of pigs, sheep and chickens. In pig and chicken tissue both the glycerol 3-phosphate and the monoglyceride pathway of triglyceride synthesis were operative, but the former pathway predominated in sheep tissue. 2. The fatty acid specificity of the glycerol 3-phosphate pathway was studied in pig and sheep total-homogenate preparations. Maximum incorporation was obtained with myristic acid and palmitic acid under optimum conditions for each fatty acid. Lauric acid, myristic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid were inhibitory at concentrations above their optimum, but octanoic acid, decanoic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid did not show this effect. 3. Subcellular fractionation located the glycerol 3-phosphate and monoglyceride pathways of triglyceride synthesis in the microsomes in all instances. Phosphatidate phosphohydrolase was associated with both the microsomes and the particle-free supernatant. 4. Glycerol 1-mono-oleate was incorporated into triglycerides to a greater extent than glycerol 1-mono-palmitate or glycerol 1-monostearate by microsomal preparations from pig and chicken. 5. A lipase specific for monoglycerides was detected in the particle-free supernatant of all the species examined.


Portland Press Ltd.

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