Hygienic Assessment of Ambient Air Quality in Chita, a Priority Area of the Federal Clean Air Project




Introduction: The article is devoted to poor ambient air quality in some cities of the Russian Federation, one the most important social and environmental issues of today. The city of Chita is a priority area in term of ambient air pollution included in the Federal Clean Air Project of the National Ecology Project. Our objective was to assess air quality in residential areas of the city for a further improvement of the ambient air quality monitoring system and air quality action planning. Materials and methods: We analyzed the results of measuring ambient air quality at the monitoring sites of the government environmental monitoring system for 2014–2018 and statistical data on the volume and composition of industrial emissions. The spatial analysis of the impact of enterprises on residential areas was carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor). Results and discussion: We established high concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (up to a 10.5-fold excess of the average daily maximum permissible concentration (MPC)), particulate matter (up to a 1.63-fold excess of the average daily MPC and a 11.4-fold excess of the single MPC), nitrogen dioxide (up to a 1.18-fold excess of the average daily MPC), hydrogen sulfide (up to a 11.94-fold excess of the single MPC), phenol, soot, and some other hazardous air contaminants. We determined priority sources of anthropogenic emissions and other factors contributing to poor air quality in Chita. Conclusions: Our findings indicate the necessity to enhance the existing ambient air quality monitoring network and programs, to assess spatial distribution of resulting exposure levels and population health risks, and to decide on the adequacy of the air quality action planning in the city of Chita in accordance with the comprehensive plan.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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