WFM Systems as a Digital Business Transformation Tool


Grigoryan A. A.1


1. VSK Insurance House


The article focuses on the current problem – the efficiency of employees' working hours through the use of special systems for work time planning (workforce management). An analysis of the use of various management tools to create an effective employee schedule is presented. It has been shown that the number of companies implementing automated programs for recording and planning employees' working hours is gradually growing. The main advantages and disadvantages identified by managers implementing digital solutions in the work schedule process were identified. Various types of specialized software for creating a flexible work schedule have been investigated, as well as key criteria by which the best WFM systems are determined. In the course of this classification, parameters have been defined, which should be given special attention when deciding on the use of the WFM system in the company. Based on the results of the study conducted by the author, recommendations were developed for the implementation of such digital solutions in the company. The author concluded that these systems were necessary for enterprises focused on digitalizing their business, since they made it possible to optimize staff costs and increase employee efficiency.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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