1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Digitalization with methods of artificial intellect, computer technologies and digital platforms in Russian business and organization management today is becoming a reality. The article studies key components of the organization management system and their digital transformation. Transformation of management systems in digital economy implies their implementation on the digital platform. The authors underline such key elements of the management system as the object and subject of management. Such notions as vision, mission, goals, values of the organization, its managerial decisions, management processes, organizational structures management, mechanisms and technologies of management, strategy, activity regulations, indicators of activity estimation, risks were defined. The authors analyzed and presented different definitions of the notion ‘digital platform’, which were formulated by experts of MIT company, ‘Rostelecom’ and in the program ‘Digital Economy of the Russian Federation’. Digital transformation of the management system was described in detail, it includes introduction of digital doubles, designing digital strategy of organization development, digital risk management, making managerial decisions on-line. Company owners and managers can get information about business on-line by mobile devices and employees can see goals, indicators and objectives, their deadlines and final result. The article shows the efficiency of using the common digital platform ensuring implementation of the development strategy of the selected business-model and carrying out digital transformation of business.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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Cited by
16 articles.