1. Institute of Information and Communication Technologies , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , 1113 Sofia , Bulgaria
The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is used as a term for integrating requirements and functionalities towards transportation systems, which in urban environment raises complex exploitation and control problems. Important part of the ITS is the control which has to be applied for traffic flows. The control processes are strongly linked with requirements and targets for optimization of the transportation behavior. The paper applies new optimization formal description of control by bi-level optimization. Except the trivial traffic lights control, the bi-level formalization allows additional traffic characteristics to be defined like maximal/minimal values. The paper defines, solves and provides numerical simulations for minimization of the vehicle queues in front of the traffic lights. Such bi-level optimization problem is applied simultaneously for maximization the traffic flows on arterial and important directions of the urban transportation network. The formal description of the bi-level problem is provided. The results of the bi-level control have been compared with the cases of single optimization of the vehicles queues. The simulation results prove that the bi-level problem gives benefits satisfying an additional goal, which improves additional characteristic of the transport behavior. The bi-level optimization formalism can be used as a tool for implementation of integration of ITS control policies.
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5 articles.