1. Blended learning: Investigating the influence of engagement in multiple learning delivery modes on students’ performance
2. Bhartu, Dhiraj, and Javed Yusuf. 2016. “Technology-enabled Environments for Flexible Learning: A Case Study at the University of the South Pacific.” Pan-Commonwealth Forum 8 (PCF8). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Commonwealth of Learning. http://oasis.col.org/handle/11599/2512.
3. Digital Media Literacies: Rethinking Media Education in the Age of the Internet
4. Chandra, Rajesh. 2017. Welcome to The University of the South Pacific. Accessed July 4, 2017. http://www.usp.ac.fj/index.php?id=3765.
5. Charles Sturt University. 2017. The CSU Online Learning & Teaching Model. Accessed April 20, 2017. https://www.csu.edu.au/uimagine/online-learning-model.