1. Validity: An Integrated Approach to Test Score Meaning and Use
, by Gregory J. Cizek, New York, Routledge, 2020, 190 pp., 55.00 (Paperback);Applied Measurement in Education;2023-10-02
2. Attending to Variable Interpretations of Assessment Science and Practice;Teaching and Learning in Medicine;2023-07-11
3. Defining Test‐Score Interpretation, Use, and Claims: Delphi Study for the Validity Argument;Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice;2023-06-27
4. Correcting Fallacies about Validity as the Most Fundamental Concept in Educational and Psychological Measurement;International e-Journal of Educational Studies;2022-10-29
5. What Can Educational Psychology Learn From, and Contribute to, Theory Development Scholarship?;Educational Psychology Review;2022-05-23