1. Edmund Hickeringill,The Horrid Sin of Man-Catching(London 1681). The quotation is from the ‘Epistle to the Reader’.
2. Certayne sermons, or Homelies appoynted by the Kynges Maiestie, to bee declared and redde, by all persons vicares, Or Curates, euery sondaye in their churches where they have cure (London 1547). These were reprinted in many editions until the civil war. They were reissued during the Restoration.
3. Peter Heylyn,Cyprianus Anglicus(London 1671) 153.
4. Quoted in Peter E McCullough,Sermons at Court: Politics and Religion in Elizabethan and Jacobean Preaching(Cambridge University Press, New York 1998) 59.