1. James I, Basilikon Doron (Edinburgh, 1599) (STC no. 14348), sig. A3r.
2. René Girard, Violence and the Sacred, trans. Patrick Gregory (London: Athlone Press, 1988), p. 15.
3. Fredson Thayer Bowers, Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy, 1587–1642 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1940), p. 11.
4. William Westerman, Two Sermons of Assise: The One Intituled A Prohibition of Reuenge: The Other, A Sword of Maintenance (London, 1600) (STC no. 25282), p. 3.
5. Catherine Belsey, The Subject of Tragedy (London: Methuen, 1985), p. 115.