1. R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, T.A. Henzinger, P.H. Ho, X. Nicollin, A. Olivero, J Sifakis, and S. Yovine. The algorithmic analysis of hybrid systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 138:3–34, 1995.
2. Michael S. Branicky, Ekaterina Dolginova, and Nancy Lynch. A toolbox for proving and maintaining hybrid specifications. Submitted for publication. To be presented at HS'96: Hybrid Systems, October 12–16, 1996, Cornell University, Ithacs, NY.
3. Jonathan Frankel, Luis Alvarez, Roberto Horowitz, and Perry Li. Robust platoon maneuvers for AVHS. Manuscript, Berkeley, November 10, 1994.
4. John Lygeros. Hierarchical Hybrid Control of Large Scale Systems. PhD thesis, University of California, Department of Electrical Engineering, Berkeley, California, 1996.
5. John Lygeros, Datta N. Godbole, and Shankar Sastry. A game theoretic approach to hybrid system design. Technical Report UCB/ERL-M95/77, Electronic Research Laboratory, University of California Berkeley, October 1995.